Morning Habits That Rock

Witch grumbles sarcastically about hating gorgeous mornings. She is wearing dark cloak and is in a candlelight dark room.
Bette Midler in Hocus Pocus

Today, I have a quick round-up of 5 doable habits to add to your mornings that will boost your mood–even if you are not a morning person!

  1. Get Enough Sleep. This one needs no explanation and is totally underrated!
  2. Get ready for the day while listening to positive or productive podcasts and TedTalks.
  3. Drink a full glass of water. I do prefer mine warm with lemon, while I make the coffee.
  4. If you can, do a brain dump of all the ideas you have and of things on your mind about the day. When you settle in to work, you can review and make sure critical tasks are being completed.
  5. Do something creative in the morning. Work on your side hustle; write a blog (YASS!) or page or two of your book. Sketch. You get the point. It will give start your day with something you enjoy and you can concentrate on work things!

What go-to habits are built into your morning routine? Do they help you or distract you? Drop a comment and let me know how you launch into your day!

College football fan dressed like astronaut, pretending to blast off, jumps and lands in hedge.
SEC Football Fans

3 responses to “Morning Habits That Rock”

  1. coffee, bible reading, prayer, personal development reading, and listening prayer is my routine. It all starts with starting the coffee and then bible app. IT took me a little bit but this is my habit stack. It serves me well and starts me off right!


    1. That sounds like a good stack! My meditation practice begins with prayer and I have found that it helps me to unburden myself and stay connected. I’m not religious but am certainly spiritual. I mean someone is looking out for us. After all… We do have coffee!


      1. Ha! Yes I dont want to live in a 2orld without coffee.


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